John 10:1-21
My grandkids are in 4-H. Since my 13 year old granddaughter, Ani, began three years ago, she has twice taken the Grand Champion title for the steers she has fed and conditioned. Her brother, Liam, who is going to be 11 in January, has raised pigs for the last two years and has done quite well. Kieran, brother number two who just turned 8, will be transitioning from a Clover Bud and open classes and into qualified projects next year. I'm proud of all three of them. The 4-H organization has taught them how to value livestock and the industry, and the responsibility and time and effort it takes to raise their animals.
But one animal that none of the kids will be raising during their 4-H tenure is sheep. Sheep are easy to raise and feed, and the cost of doing so is dramatically less than raising a market steer or a pig. Most parents prefer the seemingly non-offensive, less smelly, smaller animal to the larger varieties. They think that their child should start out with livestock that's easier to handle and would never harm them. They may have a point, especially for the "backyard" livestock keeper. Who doesn't love a baby lamb and their cuddly, soft, downy wool? And a well-fed lamb does produce wonderful chops! The essence of my grandkids' decision not to raise one, however, is basically due to the challenge the larger animals offer, and the lack of the same with sheep.
Let's take a look at the character and habits of sheep.
Sorry, but sheep are dumb. Sheep have a deeply embedded herd mentality. Sheep have a propensity to follow after danger, grazing with their heads down, not knowing where they're going, and not recognizing danger before it's too late. In spite of those attending them bearing the title "shepherd," it is almost impossible to drive them in the direction you want them to go. All is well as long as the lamb has company - other lambs, that is. Place a lamb skin on a wolf, and they will follow it, thinking it's another lamb. (I once had an Old English Sheepdog that could get any balking herd of sheep to follow after her because she had the appearance of a lamb - in spite of her hatred and resentment for the things.)
When the lambs are presented in the show ring, no halter, ropes, driving sticks, or canes are required. All the handler must do is place one of his or her hands under the lamb's lower jaw and the other on its rump to propel it into the position they desire. When they stop to set it up (place it in its show position), the lamb stands there, imagining that the hand that's under its jaw is preventing it from moving. My point is made: imagine an animal so dumb that it actually thinks it's tethered or unable to move where it wants because someone has a hold of its jaw. (A sheep's brain weighs 140 grams, as compared to a cow's brain weighing in at 425-458 grams. Compare both to a human brain weighing 1300-1400 grams, and that's all that needs to be said.)
Those who have no true knowledge of sheep might think, "That kid has trained that sheep well!" Even though the kids work long hours conditioning their lambs, they begin when the lambs are very young. The less-seasoned showman considers the lamb a pet and it is most often treated like one. By playing with it and keeping a hands-on approach, the lamb becomes accustomed to being handled and falls easily and submissively into the proper techniques that are required to show it in the ring. They are just simply an easier animal to raise and handle - unless you want to drive them.
Does any of this sound familiar?
It is no wonder that people are likened to sheep. The often-used pun "sheeple" is appropriate in regard to how men behave. They follow after danger with their heads down, fall into a herd mentality, and are unable to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing (much like my old dog who fooled the sheep every time), and fail to follow after the true Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Usually all it takes for a person to be led astray is a slyly placed hand under his jaw and a little push in the wrong direction, and off he goes! Once he's in the position that the enemy wants him to be in, he remains frozen there. He isn't aware that all he would have to do to break free from that which restricts him is to cry out for his Shepherd's aid and return to Him.
There is a sheep pen that has been established by the LORD where He puts all those He has gathered. On the perimeter of that pen is a gate that He has secured and through which He leads His sheep out. They know His voice and will turn and run from a stranger. They know He is their Shepherd and will protect them. They also know that the pastures He leads them to will be lush and verdant. When one strays away from Him, He will leave the others behind to search for it. He has even given His life for His sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for His flock. I might even go so far as to say that the sheep that belong to Him are wise.
Unlike the foolish 4-H sheep described above, those who belong to Jesus know their Master and are faithful to Him. He has no need for restraints to keep His sheep obedient and subjected to Him. He makes no demands upon them except to love and obey Him. When His sheep know Him, the hand He places upon their hearts is gentle, not forceful. It guides them towards righteousness and holiness, perfection and peace. And eventually, Jesus will shepherd them to His eternal kingdom where they will be forever free to graze with their heads down without fear.
So, are you a sheeple or a sheep? It's a good question to ask oneself. Jesus desires to add you to His flock. Truly, there's no better place to be. And if you are one that's being held captive by the hand of deception that is only leading you astray, simply call out to Him. He's ready and willing to break that hold for you and lead you to safer pastures.
I hope I see you there.