Friday, April 17, 2009

Ancient Eyes

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting."

Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV)

“Jesus looked at him…” (Luke 18:18-30)

How well the Lord sees into the heart of man. His eyes probe the depths of the heart and search out the hidden things; the things that lie in dark recesses and shadowed corners. His eyes cause our secret desires, our lusts, our need for riches, power and self-control to flee from their piercing gaze. Nothing can be secreted away that His look will not bring to light.

“…he became very sad…”

The man’s riches and power were more important than what Jesus’ reply revealed. It grieved him to hear what was required of him. His unwillingness to place God above all things caused him to turn from the One Who could see into his heart and give him what he asked.

“How hard it is…”

There is nothing hidden that He will not expose and make us to feel sorrow for harboring. Jesus did not merely look at the exterior of this man. He looked into his heart to see what was most precious to him, what was most dear, and where his loyalty and devotion lay. The interior of the man’s heart revealed his true nature and the treasures he desired. They were things he had accumulated on earth; the wealth he had amassed and the power he had assumed. Jesus knew beforehand what the man’s response would be. His eyes had pierced the core of his heart and He knew the treasures it contained.

What do you see within my own heart, Lord? Are there things stored within it that grieve You? Look deeply with Your ancient eyes and search out the things to which I still cling. Shine Your light into the dark corners where there may be secret things hidden. Pull up their roots and tendrils and cast them into the fire. Cleanse and purify me, for I want not just part of me, but all of me to belong to You, and You alone.

1 comment:

Marlene said...