Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Did You Flinch?

It does not matter how many times I watch this, I still flinch at the thunder clap.

If you have questions about the "rapture" of Christ's Church, we will be more than happy to answer any of them. You can begin by studying God's Word in the following passages:

1 Corinthians 15:22-24

1 Corinthians 15:51-54

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

2 Thessalonians 2:1

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14:1-4

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ah Ha!

I do not believe in coincidence. I do not believe in chance, or fate, or any other secular or mystical explanation for giving things credence or explaining things away. I do, however, believe God engineers certain events and circumstances for His own purpose. And I also believe He can use the best and the worst of mankind to accomplish it.

It is true that we all too often question God’s purpose and will behind certain events. We are too human in that regard, especially when they directly affect us. A range of emotions are apt to spill over us when they do: anger, sadness, fear, or asking the question “why”, to name a few. It is within our human nature to want to be in complete control of our lives and the things that affect them. But that very attitude is what got mankind into trouble in the first place and continues to hinder the relationship God desires to have with us today.

As I watched unsettling events unfold this week in our nation, it dawned on me there may just be other things going on behind the scenes that perplex those who have no clear understanding of prophetic Scripture. Unbelievers, or those who have not fully given themselves to Jesus Christ, may either ignore or attempt to put another label on them. Even more troubling, the Christian community are often not taught the Biblical Truths within prophecy. We see this happening every day in the media with which we are pummeled. There is certainly no shortage of talking heads with opinions, no matter how misguided or misinformed they may be. I must admit, we all have opinions. My frustration lies in the fact they are generally secular with little or no knowledge of Biblical Truths. There is no desire by the media to look beyond the worldly explanation for the things that are occurring. If - and I stress “IF” - an attempt is made to bring in a guest whom they believe is an "authority" on Christianity, it usually leaves me sighing and rolling my eyes towards the ceiling and wanting to tell the person perhaps they should go back to their Bible. Either that, or the one with Biblical answers is minimized, ridiculed, or ignored.

The world believes they have an explanation for everything. Even worse, they believe they have the solutions for the problems. History is replete with men who thought they knew what was best for society and ignored God's guidance. We know all too well the outcome of such thinking. Take our President, for example. His altruistic and misguided belief that he can appease and dialogue with America’s enemies will ultimately lead our nation to ruin. The pride and arrogance that oozes from him causes him to think he has the ability to convince a despot to “play nice”. The fact, however, is that they see him for what he is: weak, ineffective, and easy to defeat. Although the events to come have already been written in heaven, we must wait to see them played out here.

There is no mystery left to be told by God. He has clearly revealed everything to us, from the beginning to the end. Oh, there are a few little details He has shrouded for His own purpose in regard to end-time prophecy. He did this because He knows us all too well. But I cannot count the number of times I have been in His Word, reading passages I have read multiple times, and suddenly exclaiming, “Ah ha!” The proverbial light bulb dangles brightly above my head, illuminating my understanding and providing me with the answers I am seeking. God is faithful that way. If we ask, He will turn on the light bulb.

There will be a day not too far into the future when we will all respond with, “Ah ha!” But it will be for different reasons and with varying emotions that we do so; some with jubilation and some with fear. I believe the events being played out this week in our nation and around the world will all lead to a conclusion that many will wish never came. It will not be by chance or fate that causes this conclusion. Within God’s plan for mankind, an ending has also been written. And He made most of the details available to us to warn us and prepare us for His return.

There are many who find it impossible to understand why anyone in their right mind would want to see the events unfold that bring about the return of Jesus Christ. Indeed, when one reads the Book of Revelation and the horrors that are contained within it, these events would make even the most valiant of men tremble in terror. However, for the benefit of those who do not understand, and in defense of my brothers and sisters in Christ, let me just say that no true Christian wants to see any of their loved ones left behind to suffer God’s judgment upon this earth. Every one of us is in constant prayer for our families and our friends who do not yet know their Savior in the truest sense of the word. However, we also know that God is a Just God, His timing is His own, and when He is ready, the end will begin. We wait in watchfulness to be “caught up” in the clouds with Him because from that moment on, we will forever be in His presence (1Thessalonians 4:13-18). That is what we hope for, and our hope is not something which we have not already gained. We know we are saved. We long for His return. And we will rejoice when He does. It is bitter-sweet. Bitter, because we know there will be people we love who have refused to believe the Truth and are left behind to suffer God’s wrath. Sweet, because we will at last be with our God and our King Jesus Christ for all of eternity.

If you are one that is full of dread by what is to come, it is possible you do not know Jesus Christ. Perhaps you have been deceived by a false gospel, or led astray by one that gives just enough of the Truth to make you believe it is not false (Matthew 24:4-35; Galatians 1:6-9). Or, like all of us at one point in our lives, you continue to run from Him, thinking you have plenty of time for “religion”. It is for you this is written, that you may come to know your Savior Jesus Christ and understand what He did for you on the cross of Calvary. Your sins - past, present, and future - were nailed to the cross with Him. He took all mankind’s sin upon Himself, suffered the wrath of God that was meant for us, and rose gloriously the third day to take His rightful place on His throne. And all that He did was in order for pitiful man to be given eternal life through Him. All it takes for your fears to be swept away is by believing this simple Truth and trusting the One Who bridged the chasm between you and God. Nothing more need be done. His sacrifice was sufficient and nothing you can do will equal it or satisfy God’s holy justice. It was a free gift and is available to all who open their hearts and receive it. But it is also imperative that you are taught all of His Truths, not just a few that leave you questioning the final outcome. These are those that give us abounding peace in spite of what the near future holds.

I pray that SOON you will also say, “Ah ha!” Time is short, my friends, because the signs we are seeing are pointing to His imminent return. I promise when you do, your own light bulb will illuminate your understanding of God’s will and purpose for mankind. It will also soothe any fears or dread you may be experiencing because the peace He brings is incomprehensible.

Who knows? As you are reading this, perhaps God has engineered this moment just for you. If so, pause, open your heart, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is faithful to do it if you will only allow Him.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Binyamin Netanyahu

I awoke today with a feeling of anticipation that something great was going to happen. It was not an overwhelming feeling; just one that whispered in the back of my mind to be alert and to be watchful. I went about my morning routine: coffee, devotion, contemplation. But my mind was preoccupied and I was unable to keep my focus centered on the tasks I daily perform. I turned on my computer, signed into Facebook, and it was there that I saw what would be a pivotal point not only in my day, but in my lifetime.

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, was preparing to speak before the United Nations Assembly. I quickly turned on the television set to FOX News and waited. Within fifteen minutes, I was listening to the most profoundly eloquent speech I personally have ever witnessed. It rivaled those of Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and other notable men of history. But it was different, for I believe that today GOD spoke through Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The passion with which Mr. Netanyahu spoke reached into the very depths of my soul. I felt his people’s sorrow for the atrocities committed against them. I shared their desire to have respect from the world-wide community. I stood beside him in expressing Israel’s right to defend herself, the oldest nation on the face of the earth, and the one blessed by GOD. I applauded his condemnation of the United Nations and their own self-righteous and self-serving condemnation of Israel. And when he began to recite passages from the prophet Isaiah and the book of Joshua, my heart soared and drew me even deeper into a relationship with and understanding of GOD’s chosen people.

But it was Mr. Netanyahu’s conclusion to his speech that found me one foot from my television screen and tears streaming down my cheeks. It was the prayer he invoked. I didn’t need to know the Hebrew language to understand it. Only two words were needed to interpret the entire message behind this prayer: “Adonai” and “Shalom”. It was his intimate call before the whole world to Adonai, the sovereign GOD of all creation. It was a plea to those present and to GOD Almighty to bring peace, “shalom,” to his nation, Israel, that brought the tears and my own plea to the LORD to return and make everything right.

GOD spoke through Binyamin Netanyahu, whether he knew it or not. The Prime Minister's speech was given with boldness, never wavering, and his message was clear and precise. It was reminiscent of the Word of GOD coming to Israel’s prophets and their fearlessness in taking it to the people. Today was a day that all Christians should rejoice over. For today, GOD warned the world that this people, this nation, and the city of Jerusalem belonged to HIM and would always remain HIS, and to continue to malign and attempt to destroy Israel would bring their own destruction. I believe it was a call from GOD to all the nations of the world to turn from wickedness and sin and repent - and to turn to the One Living God for salvation.

Some may say my emotions got hold of me, causing this reaction. Others may say my over-active imagination was the cause, or call me a religious fanatic. Call it what you will, but I know this is not the case. I believe GOD has raised up a warrior for these times, and I believe he is Prime Minister Netanyahu. Although there are groups within his nation who believe concessions should be made to bring the much sought-after peace they all long for, I greatly admire Mr. Netanyahu’s fearless stand against those, like our own President, who are making unrealistic demands on his nation. Obama and the rest of the world’s leaders have met their match and unlike Israel’s leaders in the past, are dealing with a man of conviction and determination. No longer will Israel be cast from her homeland. No longer will Israelis succumb to the suffering and brutality inflicted upon them in the past. No longer will weak and ineffective leaders bow down to the outrageous demands made by the nations who hate them. Israel belongs to GOD, He has given it to the Jews, and the proof is in their history. Yahweh made that very clear today.

I have been watching Binyamin Netanyahu for over ten years now. I will continue to watch him because I believe he is a king in the manner of David who will lead his people by allowing GOD to lead him. I deeply admire and respect this man and his devotion to his nation and its people. I only wish America had a leader half as admirable and trustworthy.

I encourage everyone to keep their eyes focused on Israel - it is where it all started and it is where it will all end.
Continue to lift Israel up in prayer. The “shalom” we all long for will only come about when our LORD and their long-awaited Messiah returns. And that day is not too far away.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Islam On Capital Hill

On Friday the 25th between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., "Islam On Capital Hill" ( will be holding an all-day event that begins on the steps of the White House. They have been given permission to recite their "Athan," or "Jummah prayer," from these hallowed steps. Fifty-thousand Muslims and non-Muslims are expected to attend. Speeches will also be given by a Imam and a Muslim attorney who have questionable ties and allegiances to terrorist groups and have made statements in the past that support these rumors. The slogan for this event is "Our Time Has Come", and it has been suggested by the Imam in a recent interview that the White House will become a house of Islam.

Please be in fervent prayer during these hours. Pray the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will be exalted above this event and that the Holy Spirit will pour out His message of salvation upon the hearts of the attendees. Pray also for this nation, that God Almighty will be restored to His rightful place over and within it.

Please visit:

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Simon Says..."

Included among the many childhood games I played with others was “Simon Says”. The object was for the person playing “Simon” to direct others to perform certain actions; for example: "Simon says, touch your nose." The rules allowed the action as long as “Simon” said to do it. But if the one directing simply said, “stick out your tongue,” and those participating did so, they were out of the game for failing to follow the game’s rules. In other words, “Simon” had not told them to do it and the penalty was elimination from further play.

The simplicity of the games I played as a child is so much different than those today’s children engage in. Although the games of my childhood are still being passed on to small children, it seems they abandon them much earlier than my generation, or even my sons’ generation. Store shelves are crammed with electronic gadgets that target and woo children from infancy, and the list of them is extensive. Instead of sending their children outside into the fresh air and fostering a healthy imagination, today’s parents subject their children to the "Simons" of the world by plugging their children into television sets and the solitary and fantasy worlds of their computers or hand-held games.

Parents are told their children need to keep up with technology in order to succeed in life and that without the knowledge and expertise provided by these things, they will be left behind. The trap herein is that children are robbed of essential elements which aid in healthy development: social interaction with other human beings, the ability to cope with difficulties and failure that come their way, and a hands-0n understanding of the world around them, just to name a few. Also, the greater danger parents foster with this practice is allowing their children to be influenced by others who may have different values than their own. Without due diligence from the parents, the “Simons” of the world can quickly trick the child. The adults they become will be established by what they are encouraged with from the earliest stage of their lives.

The simple childhood game of “Simon Says” can be used as a analogy of the direction we receive from God. He did not create man to be mindless puppets on strings; rather, He gave man free will. However, there were certain rules man must abide by and the penalty for disobeying them was severe (Genesis 3).

As Moses gathered the people at the foot of Mount Sinai to meet with God, the Lord gave the Ten Commandments. “And God spoke all these words…” (Exodus 20:1-17). They were the foundational “rules of the game,” if you don’t mind me using this metaphor. Their purpose was intended to direct the people to live a life of holiness, responsibility, and love. They were the “God Says” of how each man and woman should live, a set of standards to apply and to maintain a healthy relationship with Him. However, as was the case with the first man and woman, the people quickly forgot and allowed the enemy to slip in and whisper, “do this.” Satan, playing the role of a child who initiates a game and often changes the “rules” to suit himself, was able to trick them into almost immediate disobedience. Many soon found themselves standing outside the circle, excluded from God’s favors and blessings.

Every one of us at one time or another finds ourselves caught in the trap of Satan’s deception and mimic his actions. We often rush into life without listening for the “God Says” within the direction that is being uttered. We must stay focused on God, listening intensely to His guiding voice and Jesus’ request, “Follow Me” (Matthew 9:9), even if we remain the only one left standing.

When the game “Simon Says” concluded, there was no prize other than a sense of pride and accomplishment in not being fooled. If we teach our children this simple, yet vital, lesson - heeding God’s voice when He speaks and moving in the direction He is guiding - they will carry it on to their own children, thus avoiding the pitfalls thrown in their way that attempt to oust them from the “game”. By keeping our ears acutely tuned to the Holy Spirit’s voice, the reward for completion of our lives here will be beyond imagination if we faithfully listen for the “God Says” before we take action.

Friday, September 18, 2009

When We Need Help, Will There Be Anyone Who Comes?

In 1939, seventy years ago today, Germany invaded Poland and the Czech Republic. Rising in anger, the United States of America quickly allied with these two tiny nations and stood boldly with them and fought to restore their sovereignty. As a member of NATO, Poland was one of the first nations to ally with the United States in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. When President Bush asked for NATO allies to join America, Poland quickly responded by recalling America's role in World War II, saying they would never forget and always be grateful. They sent their sons and daughters to fight alongside ours, and remain there to this day. But in the time it took to utter a short phrase, Obama has destroyed the relationship we once held dear with the people of Poland and the Czech Republic and issued them a death sentence. He remembered this terrible day not by issuing a statement of continued support to the Polish and Czech people, but by turning his back on them.

It doesn't take a political science major, a social studies professor, a historian, or even a psychiatrist to know the true intentions of Putin and his puppet, Medvedev. Their actions speak loudly in world affairs. It is their intention to re-establish the principals and government of the old Soviet Union, and a reorganization of the states that comprised it. And our President is assisting them in any way he can.

Obama handed Putin a victory today on a gold-trimmed silver platter. Upon this gilded platter was a morsel of underhanded political maneuvering that defies common reasoning. The missile defense shield that was introduced by the previous Administration was intended to not only defend our nation, but to defend Europe from despots such as Putin, Ahmadinejad and the fanatical mullahs bent on world dominance. The system was to be placed in Poland with critical radar positioned in the Czech Republic. Both Poland and her neighbor welcomed this system, but Russia has been fighting it from its inception. Because of the threat of Russia flexing its military muscle in recent years and their invasion into Georgia, a sovereign nation, Poland and the Czech Republic knew that to not have it would put their own sovereignty in grave danger. Russia knew it and relied on it not happening. And our President also knows it.

To make matters worse, Robert Gates, former staff member of both George H.W. and George W. Bush, and one that defended the logic of installing the missile defense system, has suddenly had a change of heart. Or did he? It is my contention that men like Gates have one drive - power - and how he gets it and with whom he aligns himself to secure it is immaterial.

"It is no longer needed," Obama and Gates claim. After all, Iran is not a serious threat, right? However, someone within the IAEA had a conscience today and secretly released a unauthorized report stating there is indisputable evidence that Iran is now capable of building a nuclear bomb and are currently working on a delivery system. That won't take long. I am sure North Korea is helping out every chance they get. It has also been determined that within a maximum of five years, Iran's "short-range missiles" which are only capable of reaching places like...oh, let's say, Israel, another ally of ours...will be replaced with the ability to strike our own nation. Are you squirming now?

Just what was the quid pro quo, Mr. Obama? What exchange of "favors" did you and Russia agree upon that convinced you to scrap a vital defense system that could possibly save the lives of millions of people? Is it your idiotic and altruistic idea that you can reasonably "chat" with our enemies over a beer and gain ground? Was it Russia's "reliable word" that they would help rein in Iran? Or did they tell you they would dismantle a few of their own nukes they have had aimed at us for decades? My guess is that Putin and Medvedev are rubbing their palms in glee and laughing at your lack of foreign clout and your pathetic display of gullibility and weakness.

More important, however, is the fact that for the first time in its history, America has turned its back on one of our true allies. It has been reported that the leader of Poland is refusing to take calls from our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. My question to her would be, "Can you blame him?"

There may come a time in our history when America will have to ask someone to help defend her against enemies who gather at her borders. But if this man who now sits in the highest position we bestow on one of its citizens continues insulting, impugning, and diminishing our allies at his current rate, there will be none left to ask.

I have always wondered where the most powerful nation in the world is in end-times prophecy. Perhaps what is going on within our nation at this moment is the answer to my question.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"America The Destroyed - A Prayer For Revival" - by Peter Grasso

I am pleased to post an article, which is followed by a prayer, by a brother in Christ, Peter Grasso. I pray that it awakens concern for not only the lost who are being deceived by the wiles and cunning of the emerging church, but also for our nation as a whole. I join Peter in praying that God will be restored to His rightful place and be given the honor and glory He so richly deserves.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breaching The Wall

In the Old Testament, the proximity of man to God was one of distance and separation. But it was never intended by God that this be so. When He created the first man, His purpose was for divine and eternal fellowship. This is evident in that all of creation was made for man to have dominion over. With the exception of one tree (Genesis 2:15-17), the Garden and all that was in it was made for man’s pleasure. There the Lord was physically present with Adam and Eve as He delighted in what He had made and communed with them. It was not until man fell from grace by submitting to the cunning of the serpent and the temptation of sin that the separation came (Genesis 3:1-7). Man was “banished” from the paradise God had created for him and His servants stood guard with “flaming sword” to prevent re-entry (Genesis 3:23-24). Not only did their disobedience bring a curse of hardship, toil, grief and pain, affecting all of God’s creation in like manner, it brought death to man and broke the intimate relationship they had with their Creator. A dividing wall was erected between God and man, one that man dare not breach because of his sinful state.

From this point forward, God used different methods to communicate with man. He spoke to Abram and Sarai through His heavenly servants (Genesis 17:15-19; 18;9-15). God made His covenant with Abram when “the word of the Lord came to him” (Genesis 12:1-2), indicating not by physical but by spiritual means. In other words, God made His voice heard. He worked the same way with Isaac and Jacob as He guided them towards His greater purpose. Moses saw and heard God in a burning bush. But it came with a stern warning to remove his sandals for he was on “holy ground” by being in the presence of God and Moses hid his face in fear (Exodus 3:5-6). As Moses led his people through the desert, God accompanied them in a “pillar of cloud” in the day and a “pillar of fire” by night (Exodus 13:21-22). And as the Law was given to Moses, God set “limits around the mountain and set it apart as holy” for He had “descended to the top of Mount Sinai” (Exodus 19:20-25). The people’s sin set them apart from God. Anyone who attempted to violate this warning would have met their sure and sudden destruction.

In the Temple of the Tabernacle, only one man was allowed entry once a year into the innermost place, or the Holy of Holies. Before the Temple’s destruction, God’s Holy Spirit dwelt there. The High Priest first consecrated himself and atoned for his own sins before he was able to atone for the people’s sins. It is said that a rope would be tied to the High Priest’s waist as a precaution before entering the sanctuary and approaching God. It would enable others to drag the body out if the Priest entered unclean. Sin was so “utterly loathsome” to God that He made the people “feel the width of the separation between a Holy God and an impure sinner.” (Spurgeon, Evening By Evening, September 15). The prophet Isaiah understood this perhaps better than anyone. When God commissioned him to bear the bad news of Judah’s destruction and bring the good news of a future Messiah to the people, he understood the seriousness of being “unclean” in the King’s presence (Isaiah 6:1-7; 7:13-14; Matthew 1:23).

There are many examples of the impenetrable dividing wall that separated man from the intimate fellowship Adam first had with God. But there came a moment in history where the “curtain”, or veil (Exodus 36:8-38) that hid the Lord’s countenance from the people’s eyes was rent and torn (Matthew 27:51), forever removing the barrier of separation between them and their God. From the human perspective, this was no small feat. The curtain in the Holy of Holies has been described as being so large and thick that even a team of horses pulling in opposite directions could not have come close to tearing it in two. Yet it is symbolic of the destruction, the removal of the vast chasm that separated man from God and the divine might and power it took to accomplish it.

Although the first man and woman brought this separation from God by their disobedience and passed it on to us, it was always in God’s plan to restore the intimate communion He once had with man. He would end the hostility between mankind and Himself by doing away with the endless sacrifices for atonement. He would step down from His throne, reveal Himself as a man, and offer Himself as the final sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, breaching the wall that divided His people from His presence and holy communion. Unbeknownst to the Apostles and the people that followed them, God Almighty walked and talked with them. He ate with them. He slept beside them. He prayed with and for them. And He bore a gift that would eventually restore the division and reunite us with our God.

We may have not yet been given physical access back into paradise, but we are now able to approach God without fear. The word “go” has been replaced with a word of encouragement and hope. He calls to every man, woman and child to “come” to Him and promises rest for the soul (Matthew 11:28-30) for He now dwells in the hearts of all believers. Through Jesus Christ we now have full and unlimited access to the Throne of God
. No more hiding my sin. No more fiery separation or division and warning of approach. Just eternal oneness with my Creator and my God. And one day we will reside with Him in glory for He will live among us for all eternity (Revelation 21:3-4).

As the old hymn, “In The Garden,” implies, I look forward to that day when I am able to walk with Him and talk with Him as Adam first did “in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8).
What a blessed day that will be.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where We Are Today

I woke this morning with an ache in my heart for those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The images of that horrific day are embedded in our memories and will most likely never be forgotten. We need not re-hash the details, nor should we have to view the videos over and over again to be reminded. It was an event in this nation's history that no reasonable and compassionate person should, or ever will, forget.

Our nation had been attacked by what some like to call "extremists," bringing with them an agenda of death and destruction. Most Americans were unaware that such men lived among us and were plotting war against the United States within its borders. It was not until after the tragedy that Americans woke to the reality that a threat of this severity threatened their very existence. The wars in the past had been fought on other shores, not our own. Other nations had suffered the devastation and brokenness of battle. We watched from a distance. We prayed in our homes. And we waited for our sons and daughters to return.

This question has been posed by many today: "Where were you when 9/11 occurred?" Of course we all remember where we were at, what we were doing, and the impact we felt when we received the news. It is one of those moments in our lives that sticks to us like glue, a memory we cannot erase because of its vivid horror. But I was given pause today when I considered my own story. Another question rose from the ashes of 9/11 and I believe it bears much more significance than the first. I was reminded that it is not so much where we were then, but where we are today.

For eight years our government fought a battle within and without our nation that only a few of us understand and appreciate. Because of the heroism of our military and the actions of a responsive Administration, our borders were kept safe and the threat of future attacks were thwarted. The attackers awakened a sleeping giant, one that refused to lie down in submission. To protect American citizens, the battle was removed from our hallowed shores and taken back to the ones who perpetrated it. Our President, George W. Bush, reminded the world that America may have been wounded, but her wounds only made her stronger.

There are some who say President Bush lied to the American people. There are some who say the White House secretly planned the attack. There are those who continue, to this day, to accuse him of using and allowing harsh interrogation methods to secure vital security information and prevent another attack. Some would like to try him in a court of law, lock him up and throw away the key, if not execute him for crimes against humanity. But I would like to remind those who cast such aspersions upon President Bush that he remained true to his faith in his God. He joined the American people by invoking the Lord in that perilous time and laid his petitions for this nation before Him. And I believe God Almighty answered him by protecting our nation to this day.

From its birth, America has been a nation blessed by God. That is, as long as her citizens continue to acknowledge and honor Him. It is when our backs are turned from God that His blessing will be removed. America still remains a great nation. There are still men and women within our government who are willing to step out in faith and allow the Lord to lead them. But their numbers are dwindling, their faith faltering, and their willingness to submit to the current Administration's agenda is threatening America's very existence.

The lives of those lost in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in a field in Pennsylvania should always be remembered and honored. But we should not dwell there. We should move forward with the names of those lost on our sleeves and continue the battle that began with them. We should take a lesson from our former President and refuse to lie down in defeat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Bread Of Life

very morning I am visited by my neighbor’s Border Collie who comes to the door for his daily dog biscuit, or “cookie” as we call them. On occasion, he is accompanied by my youngest son’s Golden Lab, Tick, who by all appearances has never missed a meal. He defines the term “moocher,” as he makes his rounds through the subdivision. His reputation for bringing home the most unusual food items is renowned: loaves of bread, unwrapped packages of chicken and frankfurters, and let us not forget the package of buns! We have often wondered if he has figured out how to open refrigerators and freezers and sorted through their contents like a grocery store shopper. Because of his bulk (and I use the term loosely) my son has had to ask his neighbors to please not feed him. Tick is what I call a “easy keeper” and in spite of being fed well at home, continues his daily vigil looking for handouts.

Daily sustenance is an essential part of maintaining a healthy life for man and beast. Without it, they would quickly starve to death. As far back in history that we can look, bread has always been an important dietary staple for the rich and poorest alike. In the Dark Ages, the quality of the grain determined the social level of man. The finer grains provided wholesome loaves for the upper echelon, while the coarser rye was cast to the lower classes. Children could be found on street corners begging for a simple loaf of bread to sustain them one more day. And looking even further back in history, the importance of grain was so vital that provisions were made to prevent devastating world famine (Genesis 41-43). In recent history, vast storehouses and reserves of grain have been kept to prevent a world-wide hunger and famine. But I have been told by family members who are farmers that because of the imbalance created by governmental influence and the appeal of its use in alternate fuel sources, these reserves are emptying at an alarming rate.

So where does that leave us? The price of grain affects the cost of everything we consume, whether it be food or the clothes on our backs. Our physical needs are greatly endangered by the nonsensical whims of a few who feel they have the best solutions for the world. And as they progress their secular and Godless agendas, Pharaoh’s dreams come closer to our reality (Genesis 41:1-7). There is only one solution: man must be filled with the “food that endures to eternal life” and there is only One Who is able to give it - Jesus Christ (John 6:27).

On their forty-year journey through the desert, the Israelites ate the “bread of angels” as God “opened the doors of the heavens (and) rained down manna for the people to eat.” (Exodus 16; Psalm 78:23-25) He filled their “grumbling” stomachs with the sweet heavenly bread. But like a loaf of bread that stales and molds after a couple of days, so did the manna, for it was a temporary sustenance until they reached their destination. The loaves of bread we stock our cupboards with are also just a means to prevent physical starvation. They cannot preserve us beyond their capacity to do so. It is the Bread of Life that feeds the starving soul that is most essential. It is the Living Bread, Jesus Christ, that provides the necessary sustenance to preserve our lives for eternity. And if we seek after it, then regardless of what comes, we will not hunger for we will be fed to the fullest.

The two moochers who show up at my door each morning looking for their daily cookie do so because they know my love for them will not fail and they will receive what is sought after. It is the same with God. When we knock at the door, He will open it and the Bread we seek will be freely given. And like the can that holds the dog’s treats that I must keep full, God’s storehouses will never empty. There is Bread for everyone who hungers after the Lord’s righteousness and it is available to all who earnestly seek after it.

Come and eat and never hunger again!

Additional Scripture (click to read):

Genesis 42:1-2
1King 17:7
Proverbs 30:7-9
Ecclesiastes 11:1
Isaiah 55:1-3
Matthew 4:1-4; 6:11
Luke 9:10-17

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rivers Of Living Water

A mighty river begins in the towering rocks of a mountain. As the winter ice and snow are warmed by the sun’s rays, it starts its journey down the steep slopes as a single droplet of crystalline and pure water. Joined by other droplets, the water begins to collect in a pool until the small basin that contains them fills and overflows its brim into another basin. More droplets of water migrate from other ice packs and snow banks, uniting with the first droplet and forming a small rivulet that succumbs to the gravitational forces by which they are propelled.

As each single droplet melds with others, the river begins to build into a small trickle of water. This stream is joined by other streams that took a different course in their descent from the mountain top. The flow of water builds until its force is so great that it forms into a cascading waterfall. Trillions upon trillions of water droplets sparkle like diamonds in the sun as the river comes crashing down the steep slopes. Elbowing its way through the rough terrain, the living force of the water cuts banks and forms channels in the canyon walls. Fed by smaller streams and rivers in their own journey from the mountain top, the mighty river at last slows as it reaches its destination and purpose in the valley below.

The living water Jesus Christ spoke of in John 7:37-38 is much like this description of a mighty river. It begins with a single droplet of faith in the heart of man (Isaiah 55:01) When his thirst rages, a single drop of water will not quench it. He must come to the deep well of salvation and drink great gulps of the life-giving water until he feels satisfied and restored (John 4:13-14). And even then if his course changes, once man has tasted of this water, he will not return to the stagnant pools he once found himself in (Ecclesiastes 11:1). The man who has drunk of the water of life will yield to the Force that propels him down the mountain side and into the valley below (Luke 9:28-42). And as he heeds his Master’s call, he will gather others into the life-giving current until a mighty river of souls is united in a common goal.

Just as one single drop of water begins a mighty river and fills an ocean, one small droplet of God’s Word upon the tongue of a dying man can create a sea of saved souls. The well of the water of life is deep, its source never-ending, and all are called to drink from it (Revelation 22:17). As we journey through the tributaries of its river, let us remember to freely share from our cup for it is kept full by the hand of God and will never empty. And if there ever is fear the river will end, remember that just as the sea gives up its water to the heavens, it is returned to the mountain to begin anew. The life it brings is eternal and the rewards everlasting.

Additional Scripture - click to read:

Psalm 1:3; 23; 42:1
Isaiah 49:10
Ezekiel 36:25
Zechariah 14:8
John 3:5; 4:10
Ephesians 5:26
1Peter 3:21
2Peter 2:17
1John 5:6
Revelation 7:17; 21:6

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Above Rubies - A Review By Dale Brown

ABOVE RUBIES magazine is a publication dedicated to family and social issues, which is circulated among the home school crowd. It is loaded with testimonials pertaining to everything from home schooling to nursing infants. Many of the concerns that are addressed are legitimate concerns. However, writer and editor, Nancy Campbell, makes some unbiblical leaps in some of her conclusions.

In the #71 issue Nancy Campbell’s article, The Family Charge, claims that the Garden of Eden was a prototype for all homes to come, therefore "God wants Eden homes to be spread across the world. He wants us to take dominion over all deception and evil and spread God’s love, truth, joy and salvation across the earth." This all sounds well and good. It is where she goes with it that is a problem. She then quotes the problematic Finis Dake’s bible commentary on Psalm 127:3-5, "Each child will in the process of time be a defense, support and propagation of the eternal reproduction of man and fulfillment of the plan of God for man. The more arrows one has, the more enemies he will slay, the more powerful will he be in the earth. The more children born and saved to help God administer the affairs of the eternal plan for man, the more reward God will have." She then says "It is an undisputed fact that the people who obey God’s mandate to be fruitful and multiply are the people who will subdue and take dominion. Before dominion comes multiplication. It is an eternal law. If we as God’s people want to multiply God’s ways across the world, we must first be fruitful! Currently, the Islamic people are outnumbering western civilizations seven to one! They are on their way to taking dominion, unless we wake up!"

Instead of preaching the gospel to the lost and casting out the devil, Nancy’s great commission is to go ye therefore and make babies. Both Jesus and Apostle Paul had no wives, therefore they both failed the dominion mandate. God told Jeremiah the prophet, "You shall not take a wife for yourself nor have sons or daughters born in this place" (Jer. 16:2). The 144,000 believers in Revelation 14:4 were a chaste lot never defiled by women as well. She seems to being saying that converting Muslims to Christ is out of the question; we must out-breed them. Never mind the fact that even Christian children are born into sin and need to be born again. We were thrown out of the garden of Eden because of our fallen state. We therefore cannot recreate Eden, no matter how hard we try.

She never addresses God’s blessing to eunuchs, "For thus says the Lord, ‘To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold fast My covenant, to them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial, and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which will not be cut off’" (Isa. 56:4,5). Jesus said that there are those who have been made eunuchs for the sake of the gospel (Matt. 19:12). This certainly flies in the face of the "out-breed-em" method of evangelism.