Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Book Review: Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life On Truths That Last, by Joshua Harris

Whether you are an unbeliever seeking answers for the first time, or a seasoned Christian needing a refresher course, this book contains something for you.

By drawing on his and his family's own life experiences and shortcomings, Joshua Harris effectively causes us to consider what the foundation of our faith is built upon. Is that foundation on dangerous ground, or does it stand on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, and His Gospel of Grace?

Harris begins by gently defining the often troublesome catchwords that can sometimes confuse or trip up those who are trying to build a solid relationship with the Lord: orthodoxy, doctrine, theology, justification, sanctification, to name a few. His simple and direct approach leaves his readers with a clear and basic understanding that all of the above are vital in creating what is required for a good foundation on which to build your faith.

As I moved through the book, I found myself wanting to linger and contemplate Harris' words. I applied them to myself and realized my own failings or lack of consideration on certain points. Perhaps the most convicting was the final chapter, "Humble Orthodoxy", and how we relate to others. Harris convinces us that, in spite of our perceived level of maturity in Spiritual Truth, fervent study, and determination to be "right", "Every one of us will have a lot to apologize for."

The "non-essentials", those things that divide and cause dissension among believers and reside outside of God's grace (which is the only thing that really matters), will ultimately be answered in Heaven by the One with all the answers. Harris concludes that we will all find out how wrong we were about them and how little they mattered in relation to the bigger picture: Jesus Christ and His work to secure our salvation.

If you need a good book for your summer reading list, I recommend you add "Dug Down Deep". It's poignant, thought-provoking, Truth-filled, and often humorous. You may not agree completely with Harris (as I did with a particular point in Chapter 9), but one thing you will find yourself doing is picking up your shovel and digging down to the bedrock of your faith in Jesus Christ.

I can't think of a better way to spend your summer.

(Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes.  Please visit their website and rank my review.  Thank you!)

1 comment:

Karie said...

Sounds like a great book Karen. It is helpful to consider what we truly believe and why. Have a great summer with those grandkids, I am jealous of the time you have with them.