Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Simple Song Of Faith

We are unable to turn on the television, the radio, or our computers without seeing horrible images or hearing heart-wrenching stores of the devastation in Haiti.

As the days following the earthquake increase, it seems the suffering and hopelessness grows even greater.  According to the reports, the people of Haiti wait for rescue, for relief from hunger and thirst, or wait for death.  And as time becomes more precious as they cling to a bare thread of life, the desperation is growing into frustration and anger, and lawlessness is beginning to threaten the rubble-strewn streets.  But for every one hundred stories of grief or unrest, there comes a story of hope and joy.  A few nights ago I watched as one such story unfolded.

Just two miles from the Haiti airport, where thousands of United Nation relief workers and American troops unload millions of critical tons of aid, the House of the Children of God  orphanage lay in rubble.  It had housed infants from a mere few days old to dozens of older children who had been abandoned there.  The orphanage director and his handful of workers had managed to gather what was salvageable from the wreckage.  Their protection from the elements consisted of a truck van to house the infants and a crudely built open-air tent for the older children.  Although they had managed to receive some water from a water truck, it was not clean and had added dysentery to the already worsening situation.  They had a two-day supply of unclean water, food was not mentioned, no medical supplies, and had twice been forced to fight off looters who attempted to steal what little they had.

As I looked at the faces of the beautiful, bright-eyed babies, this story of helplessness could have overwhelmed me and caused me to ask God why He would allow such suffering to be brought to such small and innocent victims.  But instead, it brought another reaction.  It revealed to me miracle after miracle and the powerful and providential hand of God upon it.

Not one child was injured or killed in the earthquake.

The lives of the orphanage director and the workers were spared and the children left with shepherds to tend them.

A wall of divine protection had been placed around them and those who would bring harm to them had been driven back.

But the most powerful miracle to watch was these small people’s witness to the world.  They sang.  They continued to lift their voices in praise and worship to Almighty God.  And God heard them and responded.

A truck was brought in to their location by the Fox News crew, delivering cases of clean, bottled water and promises of other supplies and support to come.  Their report was broadcast world-wide to millions of viewers, engendering an overwhelming response.  And because of Fox reporter Geraldo Rivera’s dogged determination, I have no doubt they will receive everything necessary to sustain them through this tragedy.

You may ask yourself how the workers and the children are able to sing joyful praise while so much pain and misery surrounds them.  The secular media pondered the Haitian’s ability to continue in worship of God in a similar gathering that was reported.  They are unable to comprehend the existence of God’s presence amidst so much destruction and sorrow.  They wonder how, and even why, there are those who continue to believe in an omniscient and omnipresent God while so much pain and grief and an uncertain future has enveloped them.  Their doubt-filled hearts and unopened eyes question the sanity of anyone who believes in and places their hope in the Unseen God.  

But it is in situations just like this where God is most evident.  The children have been taught that Jesus loves them and will continue to provide for and protect them, even if it means waiting.  And they do so patiently.  With an innocence and trust many who are watching question, the children know there is only One to turn to in their hour of need.  Their tiny voices singing to Him Who holds the balance of all things in His hand were carried on angel’s wings to His throne.  His ear heard their cry and in response, He joined alongside those who work tirelessly to bring relief.  He has poured out upon them His love, His comfort, His protection, His joy, and is sending them the help for which they prayed.

“For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one;  He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help.” Psalm 22:24

As the efforts to bring aid and comfort to the nation of Haiti continue, please keep them lifted up in your own prayers.  He will not forsake His children who remain faithful to Him.  We have seen the evidence with our own eyes through a simple song of faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
